The missing Combine input type

03 Aug 2020

Like most people I have been tinkering with SwiftUI and Combine lately. Mostly using the MVVM pattern since that's what I know best.One thing I miss from RxSwift that Combine doesn't seem to have is a dedicated input only type.In RxSwift there is a protocol called Observer with a provided concrete type of AnyObserver.An Observer only exposes ways to send values in but not subscribe to those changes elsewhere.

So why would this be useful? Well I'm a bit of a stickler for encapsulation.When I'm building, but more importantly debugging, my view models I like to know how data is flowing through them.With strict separation between inputs and outputs I know that any side effects are only triggered as a result of values coming out of the outputs.Likewise I also know that the only thing that could trigger those outputs are the inputs and reacting to the inputs is only able to happenfrom within the view model. This separation makes reasoning about the flow of data much easier, at least for me.

To dig into this concept, let's take a look at an example view model for authenticating a user:

class AuthViewModel {
    // MARK: - Outputs

    // MARK: - Lifecycle
    init() {


To represent outputs Combine gives us a Publisher type. We can subscribe to them and use them to make our apps do things.At the end of a Publisher you will eventually find one or more .sink { ... } calls, these are where our side effects live.This includes things like updating the UI or saving information to a database.

Let's add an output we can use to perform a side effect based on the success or failure of an authentication attempt

class AuthViewModel {
    // MARK: - Outputs
    let signInResult: AnyPublisher<Result<Token, Error>, Never>

    // MARK: - Lifecycle
    init() {

Here we have signInResult using the Result type as its output. When authentication is successful it will emit a .success(Token) value,when it fails it will output a .failure(Error) value.

So how do we go about triggering the work and eventually get a value from this output? We need an input!

Inputs… ?

But didn't we already decide Combine doesn't have any input types? It does have ways to model inputs, they just come with some baggage.

The types Combine gives us to send values are called Subjects. But, they are both input and output (Publisher).This means that while we can use them to trigger our authentication attempt we need to be careful about how we use them if we care about encapsulation.

Let's introduce a Subject and get our view model actually doing something:

class AuthViewModel {
    // MARK: - Outputs
    let signInResult: AnyPublisher<Result<Token, Error>, Never>

    // MARK: - Inputs
    let signIn = PassthroughSubject<(username: String, password: String), Never>()

    // MARK: - Lifecycle
    init() {
        signInResult = signIn
            .flatMap { input in
                return API
                    .authenticate(input.username, input.password)

A PassthroughSubject does exactly what it says on the label. It passes values through that it receives via it's send function fulfilling its function as an input. It then uses those values as the source for its function as a Publisher, or output.

Now we have defined an input we can use it to attempt to authenticate and, finally, emit the result through our output. Let's take a look at what some code using our view model might look like:

let viewModel = AuthViewModel()

    .sink { result in
        print(result) // output: success(Token(value: "foobar"))
    .store(in: &cancellables)

viewModel.signIn.send((username: "iankeen", password: "super_secret_password")) // input

Not bad, however remember Subjects are both input and output. This means we have also left the door open for code like this:

    .sink { result in
        somethingUnexpected(with: result)
    .store(in: &cancellables)

Consider the situation where you happen to be tracking down a bug that occurs when your users attempt to authenticate.Because we have exposed a Subject we have to check all the subscriptions to the signInResult output but also any subscriptions to the signIn input!This makes things harder than they should be…

Let's take a look at a simple approach to get our encapsulation back:

class AuthViewModel {
    // MARK: - Outputs
    let signInResult: AnyPublisher<Result<Token, Error>, Never>

    // MARK: - Inputs
    private let signIn = PassthroughSubject<(username: String, password: String), Never>()

    // MARK: - Lifecycle
    init() {
        signInResult = signIn
            .flatMap { input in
                return API
                    .authenticate(input.username, input.password)

    // MARK: - Public Functions
    func signIn(username: String, password: String) {
        signIn.send((username, password))

Much better! We now have closed off the ability for unintended side effects by giving signIn a private access level.Consumers of the view model can now use the signIn(username:password:) function to perform an authentication attempt.

Now we could stop here and it would be perfectly fine, but having to maintain a Subject and a function bothers me justenough to potentially over-engineer an alternative… strap yourself in.

Inputs!… for real this time

What we want is a type that exposes a way to send values publicly, but derive streams using them internally.My first thought was to try using PropertyWrappers since we can take advantage of the _value syntax to gain the encapsulation we want:

struct Input<Parameters> {
    struct SendProxy {
        let send: (Parameters) -> Void

    var wrappedValue: Parameters { fatalError("Send values via the $projectedValue") }
    var projectedValue: SendProxy { .init(send: subject.send) }

    init() { }

    let subject = PassthroughSubject<Parameters, Never>()

There's a fair bit going on in this little snippet so let's unpack it quickly…

The reason I first thought PropertyWrappers might be a good solution is because they allow us to expose things differently.We can use the publicly visible members (wrappedValue and projectedValue) to expose the parameters for the input and a way to send them.We can them use the restricted members (the _underscore accessor) to give the enclosing type exclusive access to the Subject.

We don't really want the wrappedValue here, it's just a means to expose a generic parameter.The projectedValue exposes a SendProxy which is just a way for use to provide only the send function to code outside the view model.

Clear as mud? Let's take a look at how we might use this in our view model and hopefully it'll make sense:

class AuthViewModel {
    // MARK: - Outputs
    let signInResult: AnyPublisher<Result<Token, Error>, Never>

    // MARK: - Inputs
    @Input var signIn: (username: String, password: String)

    // MARK: - Lifecycle
    init() {
        signInResult = _signIn // underscore accessor let's us use the `Subject` exclusively
            .flatMap { input in
                return API
                    .authenticate(input.username, input.password)

We can now sue the following syntax to send values:

viewModel.$signIn.send((username: "...", password: "..."))

The PropertyWrapper itself is a little crazy, but the view model and the call site is a little cleaner I think.Unfortunately there is actually a pretty big downside to this approach, PropertyWrappers can't be enforced in protocols.

Consider this:

protocol AuthViewModelType {
    // MARK: - Outputs
    var signInResult: AnyPublisher<Result<Token, Error>, Never> { get }

    // MARK: - Inputs
    @Input var signIn: (username: String, password: String) { get } // Property 'signIn' declared inside a protocol cannot have a wrapper

Since we can't enforce @Input it means code that only knows about the AuthViewModelType wouldn't have visibility to call the $signIn.send function.

This is a bit of a show stopper. I don't usually use protocols for view models but for other Combine friendly dependencies I might create I want to be able to enforce strict input/outputs.

Take two, let's try using a concrete type:

struct AnyConsumer<Output> {
    private let subject = PassthroughSubject<Output, Never>()

    func send(_ value: Output) {

I'm calling this AnyConsumer because it feels like a nice parallel with AnyPublisher. This type allows us to expose just the send function making this type input only just like we want;however, if we make the subject private nothing is going to be able to access it. It feels like we are stuck in a catch 22.

Let's go with it for now and update the rest of our code; first let's make our protocol enforce our strict input:

protocol AuthViewModelType {
    // MARK: - Outputs
    var signInResult: AnyPublisher<Result<Token, Error>, Never> { get }

    // MARK: - Inputs
    var signIn: AnyConsumer<(username: String, password: String)> { get }

The next step is to update our view model to conform to these changes:

class AuthViewModel: AuthViewModelType {
    // MARK: - Outputs
    let signInResult: AnyPublisher<Result<Token, Error>, Never>

    // MARK: - Inputs
    let signIn = AnyConsumer<(username: String, password: String)>()

    // MARK: - Lifecycle
    init() {
        signInResult = signIn
            .subject // 'subject' is inaccessible due to 'private' protection level
            .flatMap { input in
                return API
                    .authenticate(input.username, input.password)

Just as we expected, while we gained the encapsulation benefits of a strict input type the view model isn't able to access the underlying Subject to use the values coming in.

We need a way to expose thee Subject but only to our view model. As it turns out we can actually use PropertyWrappers again to accomplish that!

We can bring back our @Input PropertyWrapper in a new form. This time it will work with AnyConsumer to expose the Subject to the enclosing type but will be hidden from everything else.

Lets update AnyConsumer and see what that looks like:

struct Input<Output> {
    let wrappedValue: AnyConsumer<Output>

    var subject: PassthroughSubject<Output, Never> { wrappedValue.subject }

struct AnyConsumer<Output> {
    fileprivate let subject = PassthroughSubject<Output, Never>()

    func send(_ value: Output) {

Now we can Combine (pun intended) our @Input PropertyWrapper with our AnyConsumer to restrict access to each side of the underlying Subject.

We have exclusive access for the view model to read the input:

class AuthViewModel: AuthViewModelType {
    // MARK: - Outputs
    let signInResult: AnyPublisher<Result<Token, Error>, Never>

    // MARK: - Inputs
    @Input var signIn = AnyConsumer<(username: String, password: String)>()

    // MARK: - Lifecycle
    init() {
        signInResult = _signIn
            .flatMap { input in
                return API
                    .authenticate(input.username, input.password)

And, as before, anything using the view model can only see and call .send:

viewModel.signIn.send((username: "...", password: "..."))

Wrap up

So after all that we have ended up with something that allows us to nicely encapsulate access to two sides of a Subject.Is the extra abstraction worth it over our original private subject/function solution? There are a couple of nice advantages our final solution has that I can think of

Less typing: that's always a nice win. Using AnyConsumer we don't have to maintain a private subject as well as an additional function to get into the send function.

An explicit type: having this not only draws a nice parallel with other output types like AnyPublisher but it gives us an anchor point for things like UI bindings.Think about how you might write a button binding today:

someButton.combine.tap // example tap publisher
    .sink { [unowned self] in

Using AnyConsumer we could rewrite this subtly:

    .bind(to: viewModel.signIn)
    .store(in: &cancellables)

The change is minor but again it's slightly more concise and we can remove the burden of things like managing memory semantics and capture lists from our users.

That's all I have for now, but I'd love to hear any thoughts on this :)