Better Codable models through composition

01 Mar 2019

Imagine we want to build an app to track books. The API we are building against provides JSON for authors and book which looks like:

    "identifier": "A13424B6",
    "name": "Robert C. Martin"

    "identifier": "A161F15C",
    "title": "Clean Code",
    "authorIdentifier": "A13424B6"

Swifts Codable features enable us to quickly create matching models:

struct Author: Codable {
    let identifier: String
    let name: String

struct Book: Codable {
    let identifier: String
    let title: String
    let authorIdentifier: String

Thanks to Codable this is all we have to do to get JSON mapping to type-safe models for free!

There are, however, a couple of subtle issues that could cause problems as we progress. The identifiers are defined as Strings. This isn't wrong but it could lead to a scenario like:

func allBooks(by authorIdentifier: String) -> [Book] {
    //.. lookup books by id

let bobsBooks = allBooks(by: "Robert C. Martin") // oops!

This would compile and although the call-site seems to read correctly it would never return anything because the function expects an authors identifier not their name. Let's look at a type we can use instead of String to improve the type-safety here.


We can't change the fact that the server is sending us Strings but we can change how those strings are represented locally using a wrapper and phantom-types.

Usually when we define a generic type like Identifier we also use that T elsewhere in the type, something like let value: T. However when the T is only present as part of the declaration it is called a phantom type.

What's the point then? Why make something generic if we aren't using the type? Well we actually are using the type, just not in the usual way. Let's take a look:

struct Identifier<T> {
    let value: String

Updating our models to use this new type, they become:

struct Author: Codable {
    let identifier: Identifier<Author>
    let name: String

struct Book: Codable {
    let identifier: Identifier<Book>
    let title: String
    let authorIdentifier: Identifier<Author>

and our function now becomes:

func allBooks(by authorIdentifier: Identifier<Author>) -> [Book] {
    //.. lookup books by authorIdentifier.value

let bobsBooks = allBooks(by: "Robert C. Martin") // failure!! (the good kind)

We have now made it impossible to incorrectly pass a String. We must provide an Identifier instead otherwise it will not compile even though they are all still Strings underneath.

This is what makes phantom types so useful. In this instance we are adding type-safety to an ordinary String using a generic placeholder. We can now use Identifier for not only our Book and Author models but any other model with an identifier as well.

Codable support

There is a new problem our new Identifier has introduced. Codable, by default, uses the same structure as the type. This means the JSON representation of an identifier would be:

{"value": "A13424B6"}

This is wrong, we still want the JSON representation to be a String so it works seamlessly with our API. Let's fix the Codable behaviour:

extension Identifier: Codable {
    init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
        self.value = try String(from: decoder)
    func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
        try value.encode(to: encoder)

Now when we convert between the model and JSON it will be a regular String rather than a nested object.

Adding new data to the API

Listing books and authors is working really well. Now it's time to allow our users to submit new entries. The only problem is our API is responsible for determining the identifiers of new data so we want to send JSON containing everything but the object identifier.

There are different ways we could tackle this:

Since we are creating new types today let's look at another one that can be used to solve this problem.


What we need is a way to define two versions of our models. One with an identifier when data is sent down and one without an identifier when we send data up.

We can't use the type system to remove properties... but we can use it to add them.

struct Identified<T> {
    let identifier: Identifier<T>
    let value: T

Using this type we can remove the identifier property from our models.

struct Author: Codable {
    let name: String

struct Book: Codable {
    let title: String
    let authorIdentifier: Identifier<Author>

We can then define the two version of a model we need. When we are receiving books from the API we can use Identified for each instance. When we want to add a new book we simply use Book as-is.

Having a type like Identified gives us the flexibility we want without needing to maintain parallel models or hack out unwanted values before sending data.

Codable support

As with Identifier the default Codable behaviour for Identified would result in the wrong JSON:

    "identifier": "A13424B6",
    "value": {
        "name": "Robert C. Martin"

We need to fix the Codable behaviour so everything is still flattened when in it's JSON form:

extension Identified: Codable where T: Codable {
    init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
        let container = try decoder.container(keyedBy: AnyCodingKey.self)

        self.identifier = try container.decode(Identifier<T>.self, forKey: AnyCodingKey(stringValue: "identifier")!)
        self.value = try T.init(from: decoder)

    func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
        var container = encoder.container(keyedBy: AnyCodingKey.self)

        try container.encode(identifier, forKey: AnyCodingKey(stringValue: "identifier")!)
        try value.encode(to: encoder)

The AnyCodingKey type is used to allow us to dynamically decode certain parts of the data without needing all new types:

struct AnyCodingKey: CodingKey {
    var stringValue: String
    var intValue: Int?

    init?(intValue: Int) {
        self.intValue = intValue
        self.stringValue = "\(intValue)"
    init?(stringValue: String) {
        self.intValue = nil
        self.stringValue = stringValue

The end!

There are many ways to skin a cat, but hopefully this has shown a couple of interesting way to solve some common problems using wrapper types and some pretty nifty Swift features.

There are a lot of additions that can be made to improve the ergonomics of these types also such as:

But I'll leave these as an exercise for the reader 🤘

You can grab a playground with all the code here

If you have any feedback feel free to reach out!